Οι προτάσεις θα εμφανιστούν αφού πληκτρολογήσετε στην μπάρα αναζήτησης. Χρησιμοποιήστε το πάνω και κάτω βέλος για να ελέγξετε. Χρησιμοποιήστε το enter για να επιλέξετε. Εάν η επιλογή είναι μια φράση, η φράση αυτή θα περιληφθεί στην αναζήτηση. Εάν η πρόταση είναι σύνδεσμος, το πρόγραμμα περιήγησης θα σας μεταφέρει σε αυτήν τη σελίδα.
Πολιτική Κοινότητας

Πολιτική Κριτικών της Airbnb

One of the ways Airbnb fosters trust between Hosts and guests is through our review process for stays and Experiences, which helps our community make informed booking and hosting decisions and provides guests and Hosts with honest feedback to help them improve. Our reviews policy is intended to help ensure the feedback provided through our review system is authentic, trustworthy, and useful to our community.

Reviews must be unbiased, contain relevant information reflecting the actual experience of the reviewer during the stay or Experience, and follow our Content Policy.

Reviews should be unbiased

  • Members of the Airbnb community may not coerce, intimidate, extort, threaten, incentivize or manipulate another person in an attempt to influence a review, like promising compensation in exchange for a positive review or threatening consequences in the event of a negative review.
  • Reviews may not be provided or withheld in exchange for something of value—like a discount, refund, reciprocal review, or promise not to take negative action against the reviewer. They also may not be used as an attempt to mislead or deceive Airbnb or another person. For example, guests should not write biased or inauthentic reviews as a form of retaliation against a Host who enforces a policy or rule.
  • Reviews may only be provided in connection with a genuine stay or Experience. For example, Hosts are not allowed to accept a fake reservation in exchange for a positive review, use a second account to leave themselves a review, or coordinate with others to manipulate the review system.
  • Reviews may not be used for the purpose of harming competition. For example, Hosts are not allowed to post biased reviews of listings they are affiliated with or directly compete with.

Reviews should be relevant

  • Reviews must provide relevant information about the reviewer’s experience with the Host, guest, stay, or Experience that would help other community members make informed booking and hosting decisions.
  • If a guest never arrived for their stay or Experience, or had to cancel due to circumstances unrelated to that stay or Experience, their review may be removed.

Reviews should follow our content policy

Reviews may not contain explicit, discriminatory, harmful, fraudulent, illegal or other content that violates our Content Policy.

Reporting reviews under this policy

To report a review for violating this policy, contact us.

If a review violates this policy, we may remove that review, including any associated ratings and other content. We take the removal of any review seriously and only do so where there is a clear violation of this policy. Depending on the nature of the violation, we may also restrict, suspend, or remove the associated Airbnb account.

This policy may be applied differently in different places to reflect what local law permits or requires.

Responding to reviews

While we expect all community members to post reviews that represent their genuine experience and contain accurate information, we do not generally mediate disputes concerning the truth of reviews. Instead, we allow individuals to post responses to reviews.

Removing a review you wrote

Once a review you’ve written has been published, you can contact us to request for it to be removed.

Σας βοήθησε αυτό το άρθρο;

Σχετικό περιεχόμενο

  • Οδηγίες

    Πώς απαντάτε σε μια κριτική

    Μπορείτε να δημοσιεύσετε μια δημόσια απάντηση σε κριτικές που αφήνουν άλλοι χρήστες για εσάς, αλλά δεν μπορείτε να τις αφαιρέσετε. Οι κριτικές αφαιρούνται μόνο αν παραβιάζουν την Πολιτική μας για τις Κριτικές.
  • Πολιτική Κοινότητας

    Πολιτική Περιεχομένου της Airbnb

    Διαβάστε για το περιεχόμενο που απαγορεύεται στην Airbnb και πώς λειτουργεί η Πολιτική Περιεχομένου.
  • Οδηγός • Επισκέπτης

    Πώς λειτουργούν οι κριτικές

    Οι κριτικές είναι ένας πολύ καλός τρόπος για να πουν τη γνώμη τους οι οικοδεσπότες και οι επισκέπτες. Εδώ έχουμε πληροφορίες για όλες τις πτυχές των κριτικών.
Βρείτε βοήθεια σχετικά με τις κρατήσεις, τον λογαριασμό σας και άλλα.
Σύνδεση ή εγγραφή