Απαγορεύεται από το νόμο η επιβολή περιορισμών με βάση την ηλικία ή την οικογενειακή κατάσταση ενός επισκέπτη;
Because housing laws are complex and are applied differently in many cases, Airbnb can’t provide personalized guidance on what restrictions to age or familial status are permissible for your listing.
The U.S. Fair Housing Act (FHA), for example, protects families with children from discrimination in housing where the listing is offered as a "dwelling." Longer term listings of several weeks may qualify as a dwelling, depending on the particular circumstances.
California's Unruh Civil Rights Act, meanwhile, prohibits "business establishments" from discriminating in the sale of rental housing on the basis of age. Both laws contain exceptions for certain types of accommodations, such as housing developments for senior citizens.
We encourage you to be candid in your listing about what features you believe may be unsafe or unsuitable for guests of a certain age or families with children or infants, and to discuss any concerns with potential guests. You should also learn more about the housing laws applicable in your area, and consult an attorney for advice.
Finally, you should familiarize yourself with Airbnb's Nondiscrimination Policy and review the Community Commitment, where you agree to treat everyone in the Airbnb community--regardless of their race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, disability, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or age--with respect, and without judgment or bias.
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